School Information
School map, canteen menu, events calendar and pastoral care
Pastoral Care
At Matamata College every attempt is made to support the individual needs of every student. The school has a strong pastoral care system which operates to help students with academic, personal or behaviour problems. At Matamata College we believe strongly in the school and home working closely together to support and encourage our young people. We believe in being pro-active and we prefer early intervention to prevent small issues becoming big ones. Staff are encouraged to contact home if there are concerns or if a student deserves a pat on the back. Parents and caregivers are also encouraged to make contact with the school if they have concerns about a student’s progress or behaviour.
Our Network
If you wish to contact any of the above please do so by ringing the School Office on 07 881 9018
Deputy Principals
The Deputy Principals have overall responsibility for student welfare and behaviour. They liaise closely with Deans, House Leaders and the Guidance staff and work proactively in fostering a positive tone in the school.
Heads of Learning
HOLs support teachers in their area with student discipline and student achievement. They will often closely monitor a student who is underachieving, not working well or who is misbehaving and stopping others from learning. HOLs liaise closely with Deans and Deputy Principals.
Guidance Consellor
Our Guidance Counsellor is available by appointment for students and parents. The Guidance Counsellor deals with personal, relationship, career and academic issues.
Careers Advisors
Careers Advisors work with individuals, groups and classes assisting students with career pathways choices. They bring visiting speakers from the workplace and the Tertiary Institutions into school to talk to groups and also arrange visits to Careers Field Days and Tertiary Institutions’ Open Days etc. The Careers staff also run the Year 10 Designing Careers programme which guides our Year 10 students in thinking about their career options and starting their own personal career file and CV. The Matamata College developed Careers Studio computer programme assists students and staff to track career plans and pathways.
Deans are responsible for a horizontal level of students (e.g. Year 9 or Year 13.) They help students with option choices, class placement and also work with students on performance, discipline and career options. Deans liaise closely with teachers and also with parents when they are working with a student. They will sometimes place a student on daily report to monitor his or her attendance, behaviour and work effort. Deans are a good first point of contact for parents because they have the “big picture” view of a student’s performance and behaviour.
Manāki Teachers
Manāki Teachers are the first point of contact for students. Manāki Teachers meet their Group Class students four mornings a week and are responsible for attendance, uniform, notices and monitoring the progress of the students in the group.
School Magazines
See the school year captured in magazine format, explore past editions online.
Today’s Notices
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Extra Ciricular Activites
Find out more about the extra curricular activities we offer students at Matamata College.