Board of Trustees
Meet the executive committee that jointly supervises the activities of Matamata College
About Our Board
At Matamata College every attempt is made to support the individual needs of every student. Matamata College believes strongly in the school and home working closely together to support and encourage students. Parents and caregivers are also encouraged to make contact with the school if they have concerns or feedback on the schools ventures.

Craig Alexander

Dave Keenan
Deputy Chair

Angela Sharples
Abbie Owen
Student Representative
Grace Dawson
Student Representative
Kim Bolten Hampton
Staff Representative
Paul Donderwinkel
Board Member
Hinerangi Vaimoso
Iwi Liaison
Chris Henderson
Board Member
Nathan Murray
Board Member
Jacqui Owen
Board Member
Ross McIntyre
Board Member
Contact Us
We welcome the feedback of parents and students. If students have a concern they would like to raise with the board, they should contact the student representative. If parents wish to contact the board they can get in contact with any of our board members.