Steve Hitchcock

1999 to 2003

Number 3 of the Hitchcock family was also multi-talented.  In the academic field he was Dux in 2003.  In Year 9 he proudly remembers receiving a gold medal in the Australian Maths Competition and went on to achieve at the highest level in this maths competition for five years.

A superb sportsman, he was talented in both rugby and cricket. Steve was a member and halfback in the 1st XV for two years and played for the 1st XI cricket team.  Standout memory for Steve was the winning of the Waikato 1st XI Cricket Competition in 2003 – beating St Peters in the final!  Also in the memory bank was the 1st XV rugby tour to the Gold Coast, Australia in 2003.

Steve was also active in volleyball, athletics and swimming – representing the school in all three sports.

Time on stage was a highlight – for the audience as well as for Steve.  His forte was humour and no one could forget his performances in the school productions.  In 2002 he had the lead role in “John Lennon and Me” and 2003 “18 Nervous Gumshoes”.   Music – especially the rock band also featured prominently.

Naturally University followed in 2004.  Steve attended Uni in Wellington.  He graduated in 2007 with a Bachelor of Commerce and Administration with Honours, majoring in economics and money and finance.  Straight to London from University (after a 6 month stint milking cows on the home farm to save money for travelling) where Steve gained employment with Goldman Sachs in the Investment Banking Division and he still holds this position.

Whilst in London, Steve joined forces with brother Mark, to form the band Melic – read all about it on and on Mark’s profile.  Headlining the 100 Club on Oxford Street, London is a standout performance.   Steve, Mark and the other band members write the music they perform.  Perhaps they’ll return to NZ in 2018 to play the 100th reunion!

Steve relished his school days.  His summary of the influence that Matamata College had on his life:  “growing up with good natured, hardworking, down to earth people of similar backgrounds, both students and staff, has kept me well grounded in my life after school”.

The “Hitchcocks” have all been a high-achievers – Mum and Dad both excelled at school (Clare an academic and tremendous musician) and Alan (both academic and sporting) as well as Judith (Barback) and Mark who appear on the Alumni.