Pearl Thorp (Robinson)

1975 to 1979

Pearl’s early interests of music, craft creativity developed well through her Matamata Primary School days and into her Matamata College years. There Pearl made musical contributions in College Choir and the Concert Choir which performed in Napier in 1978.

Her ability and qualification for piano enabled her to accompany a small College Orchestra. With her sister Joanne she gave duets and also taught piano at home to younger children preparing for Initial and Grade One exams. She was awarded a Gold award in the Every Girls Rally movement.

In school holidays Childrens’ programmes and camps showed her love for children and developed her leadership.

After UE her ‘gap year’ was spent as receptionist at Matamata Electronics on Broadway.

In 1981 Pearl began studies at Waikato University for a B Ed in Early Childhood. There she met her future husband Russell Thorp in his second year of studies. They married after graduation and took up teaching positions at Rotorua.

Following that they studied and graduated from Bible Training in Auckland.

Next step in 1989 with their first child they took a position in PNG at the Mt Hagen Intermediate School and later were on the staff of Christian Leaders Training College at Banz in the PNG Highlands. Relaxation time there was to complete some of her UFO’s [unfinished objects] – her patchwork quilts and wall hangings, also teaching the female students craft, dressmaking and other subjects.

All four of their children were born in NZ but experienced life in PNG till Cameron the oldest was 10 years old. This was a good time to return for their NZ education and for Russell to lecture and study for a further degree.

Pearl was co-manager of the large ‘Olive Shoots’ Early Childhood Centre at Laidlaw College in Auckland, which caters for a large area and age groups.

Pearl is on various committees and is current editor of the CECEA magazine .

With Russel being a Missions Director with frequent overseas visits to conferences in PNG etc. Pearl is able to join with him at times to encourage mission workers in various countries. At home she often gives warm hospitality to overseas or local guests.

Pearl is a well-respected and caring person who is appreciated by all in the areas of life she is involved in.

Their loving family of four have or are pursuing degree study, are well travelled and willingly serve others.