Mike Roberts

1974 to 1978

Mike is a very well-travelled individual (his comment was he has travelled “shit loads.”)  He has settled in Sweden (20 years) where he owns a small company making furniture from old barns and houses that he demolishes.  He also does fine carpentry.  Mike learned his woodworking skill at school from Mr John Butler and also he had a passion for art.  Another teacher who influenced Mike was Terry Hamilton his geography teacher.


His highlights from Matamata College were his rugby playing days.  Rugby is still a big part of his life.  Mike has remained friends with many of his school rugby playing mates.  He is trying to get rugby started in the north of Sweden where he lives but it is a struggle.  Rugby is played in Stockholm and the South but not where he lives.


Mike speaks fluent Swedish and Norwegian, he has three sons and has been married twice.  He plans a lot more travel when his kids have left home.  Part of his travel plans are to return to Matamata for the 2018 100th Reunion.