Kristin Pilkington (Nickel)

1991 to 1995

Kristin currently has her residential address as Park City, Utah, USA.  How cool is that!

Kristin was involved in many sports at school – mainly sports where water or snow were involved.  She competed in triathlons and swam at National Representative Level in both; Kristin played water polo and was a member of our highly successful ski team.  The ski team was placed in the top five in the New Zealand Secondary School Competition from 1993-1995 when her brother (Scott Nickel) and two cousins (Catherine and Andrew Potter) were also attending Matamata College.

Kristin gained a bursary in her final year at school.   She graduated with a Bachelor of Social Science from Waikato University in 1998.  She worked as an Environmental Planner at Manukau and Wellington City Council’s for the first five years of her career, after which she moved into Sales/Account Management roles.

From Wellington Kristin moved to Vanuatu where she lived for four years.  During this time she worked for Telecom Vanuatu as Head of Corporate Sales.  While in Vanuatu she travelled extensively in the South Pacific and USA before moving to USA with her husband in 2012.

The last eleven years Kristin has worked in Sales/Account Management in a variety of industries -Recruitment, Telecommunications and Enterprise Software.  Kristin has been highly successful in these roles and enjoys the challenges they bring.

Kristin loves life in the USA.  She is happily married and proud Mum to Fin her “fur baby” and to her step-children, Chelsea and Amanda.  Life in Vanuatu was an amazing and humbling experience but to say life is good in Park City would be an enormous understatement.

Her extended family mainly all live around Matamata.   Kristin will always be proud to call Matamata home.  Her mum and Aunt manage the family business “Jaggers” and Dad builds houses with her brother Scott.  Kristin says her years spent at Matamata College were special – great classmates and exceptional teachers were her words.