Kim Whyte (Watson)

Kim was the first recipient of the, what is now known, as the Metso Art Awards in Year 12 1994 – then known as the Svedala Art Award. College artists have been honoured every year by Metso with the winner receiving financial support towards their higher education and by having their art work on display in the Metso Offices. August 2012 Metso sponsored an exhibition of the works of the students at the Wallace Gallery in Morrinsville. Kim was present and was acknowledged as the first winner.
As well as a passion for Art, Kim was a great organiser and participant. At school she helped organise a social netball team that played together every year and participated in the local Saturday competition. Winning wasn’t their main aim although they had their fair share. As House Leader Kim was always busy assisting with organisation of swimming, athletics, school discos and the Mrs Frew initiated Fashion Shows.
Academically Kim was a member of a highly motivated and academic Year 13 group. Dux in 1995 was joint between Andrew Parsonage and Debbie Rea and the school leaders were Becky Luxford (Diprose) and Jason Tapper as Heads. (Four people who have gone places!!) Kim gained SC, SFC and a B Bursary.
Post school Kim attended Victoria University where she graduated in 1998 with a Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies. Later she gained a Diploma of Secondary Teaching at Waikato University (Tauranga) in 2002.
Kim was a bit of an entrepreneur. She and a friend set up their own business while at University to help them financially through their degrees. Other than working in hospitality and office work while on her OE in UK, Kim has had just one teaching job at the school where she did her practicum – Otumoetai College (Tauranga) – she is now in her 10th year.
Kim teaches history and social studies, although her training was mainly in art and art history. She has held the position of Dean of all year groups since 2007. Otumoetai use a ‘roll through’ deaning system and Kim started with Year 12. Kim co-ordinates the Model UN Association which is very popular. In the sporting field Kim has been the manager of the Girls’ cricket team for a number of years. She also does the costuming for the school’s major productions. Busy Busy!! Kim is also a volunteer for Camp Quality and is currently the Waikato/BOP Regional Trainer of volunteers. To top off her busy life she and husband Andrew (from Edinburgh, Scotland) have a perfect 2½ year William!
In terms of her teaching career a highlight was being rated #1 in NZ in 2007. This is notable because it is voted for by students – she says this doesn’t really reflect her ability to teach but it was something that Kim is quite proud of – who wouldn’t be! It coincided with Radio Live doing a ‘piece’ on education so she was interviewed by them (Live Radio!), and the BOP Times. Also the Chronicle and Scene acknowledged her success.
Kim has had some very interesting travel experiences; three years in UK, primarily Scotland, Central America, parts of Western Europe and Samoa. Recently Kim travelled across Russia on the Trans-Siberian Railway with her father Henry. Her family travel regularly to Scotland to visit the in-laws. Kim has been a chaperone for a school drama trip to UK (2008) and a trip to Canada (2009).
There is quite a family of “Watsons” from Henry Watson Road who have associations with Matamata College. Her Dad, Henry is an ex-pupil, sister Charlene and brother Alan have both done well for themselves post school, and her younger brother Harry works on the home farm. Her Dad has four older sisters, but only one of them went to Matamata – the others went to Hamilton Girls as boarders because the road wasn’t through (what is now Henry Watson Road, but initially Watson Road). Dad was supposed to go to New Plymouth Boys as a boarder but the road went through just in time for him to start at Matamata.
Cousins Amy and Becky Watson attended Matamata College for their junior years – Amy is a Lawyer and Becky a Social Worker having graduated from Massey University.
Kim doesn’t find much time to pursue her practical art at the moment but no doubt that flair will to put to good use later in life!