Alex Goscomb

2004 to 2008

Alex was a high achiever and left school with Level 3 NCEA.  He had a passion for soccer and captained the 1st XI.  He also helped out with and took part in school productions and stage challenges.

On leaving Alex studied Chemical and Process Engineering and has graduated with an Honours Degree from Canterbury University.  He has a very interesting job lined up in New Castle, Australia starting in 2013.  His job description is “blast design, instrumentation and measurement”.  – In his words – “should be interesting!”

Alex has enjoyed university life.  He has been involved in sports, has been the class representative, has been on the Committee of ENSOC (University of Canterbury Engineering Society) which is New Zealand’s largest Student Society with over 2000 members.  Alex was one of the army of volunteer students who did a fantastic job helping out after the Christchurch earthquakes.

So far Alex hasn’t had time for travel but it is certainly on the agenda.