Kia ora koutou e te whaanau.
It is hard to believe that it is the end of Term 3 already. This year will be over before we know it!
In the busyness of it all, it is important to ensure that we are all taking the time to focus on our own wellbeing.
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and the Mental Health Foundation recommends that we focus on 5 key strategies to support our mauri ora (Source:
1. Take notice | Me Aro Tonu – This refers to the practice of mindfulness. Mindfullness can be thought of as paying attention to, and being aware of what is occurring around us in the present moment.
2. Give | Tukua – This refers to actions based on kindness and generosity. Carrying out acts of kindness boosts our happiness, life satisfaction, and overall wellbeing.
3. Be active | Me Kori Tonu – We already know that being active is very important for our physical health and fitness. However, being active is also a powerful mood booster. Being active can not only make us feel good, but it also enhances our thinking and learning abilities.
4. Connect | Me Whakawhanaunga – Connection is the ngaakau/heart of our wellbeing. It weaves us together, making us feel seen, heard, and understood. When we nurture meaningful connections with others, we fuel our own happiness.
5. Keep learning | Me Ako Tonu – This refers to ‘exercising our mind’ – almost like taking our brain to the gym. Any activity that challenges our thinking and expands our consciousness improves our ability to think.
As part of raising awareness for mental health issues, yesterday our school held the fundraising Gumboot Day, which involved students, staff, and the wider community walking around the field from 6am to 6pm. Some of our students walked the equivalent of a marathon, which shows grit and determination. It was a successful event, and I would like to congratulate everyone involved in organising it and thank those who donated to the good cause.
Sadly, this week we farewelled one of our amazing Science, Biology and Te Reo Maaori teachers, Te Anini Young, who is moving on to teach at Te Wharekura o Te Kaokaoroa o Paatetere. She is going to be hugely missed by our school community.
I have also received resignations from Saskia van Waaijenburg (Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning) and Kirstin Atkinson (Sports Co-ordinator). They will both leave big shoes to fill. Their positions are currently being advertised.
I hope that everyone gets to enjoy some of that spring sunshine over the next couple of weeks, and I look forward to welcoming everyone back to a fresh start in Term 4.
Ngā mihi nui,
Julie Bain