Social Sciences
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people! It is people! It is people!
Social Sciences at Matamata College is a community where students explore how societies work and how they themselves can participate and take action as critical, informed, and responsible citizens. In an ever changing world where technology and automation is rapidly advancing it is important to be able to ask critical questions, to be able to explore a range of perspectives, to make judgements, to provide solutions and to have empathy. Social Sciences explores what it is to be part of this world and gives our students the skills to make informed decisions. It prepares students for the world!
At Year 9 and 10 Students explore a range of themes linked to the main areas of ‘The Economic World’, ‘Identity, Culture and Organisation’, ‘Continuity and Change’ and ‘Place and the Environment’. They will develop their conceptual understandings of Migration, Identity, The Treaty of Waitangi, Sustainability, Globalisation, Government, Human Rights and Development. Students will have the opportunity to take ownership of their learning in Social Studies as they make decisions on what they inquire into and how they demonstrate their learning. The Department also offers a popular Business Studies option, which allows the students to develop their very own business. In the Junior School our aim is to provide our students with the dispositions and skills that they will need to be able to be successful beyond Year 10.
In the Senior School our students have the opportunity to explore a range of Social Science subjects. These currently include Accounting, Agribusiness, Business Studies, Economics, Geography, History and Tourism.
Accounting gives students the tools to make real life financial decisions in a constantly changing and uncertain world. Accounting is the process of preparing and communicating financial information to a wide range of users. It enhances financial literacy and helps individuals and organizations to be accountable to stakeholders for their actions.
Agribusiness has been introduced as a new course at Level 2 in 2021 with a view to introducing at Level 3 in 2022. The Agribusiness course will have a major emphasis on gaining, understanding and applying examples of industry ‘best practice’ to learning within the classroom. We will visit a variety of businesses involved in a number of Primary industries during the year, which could include Dairy, Market Gardening, Sheep, Beef, Poultry and Equine.
Business Studies develops an understanding of the environment in which small businesses operate and some of the operational features of small businesses themselves. It is an empowering subject which provides hands on experiences and better enables young people to understand the importance of the production sector of our economy and the incredible flair and courage that it takes to start and operate a successful small business.
Economics examines the choices people make about the use of limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants. It helps to explain and predict how goods and services will be produced and consumed. It will tell you who gets what, how, and why through analysis of different market scenarios. Students apply various Economic models to support their recommendations.
Geography is the study of the environment as the home of people. It seeks to interpret the world and how it changes over time – past, present, and future. It explores the relationships and connections between people and both natural and cultural environments. Geography investigates the ways in which features are arranged on the Earth’s surface. It describes and explains the patterns and processes that create them. Aspects of Geography explored include often Natural Hazards, Contemporary Issues, Event Planning, Tourism, Rivers but change depending on the interests of the students in the class. Skills taught include; research, essay writing, critical analysis, perspectives and using insight.
History helps you to make sense of the world that we live in and helps you speculate on possible futures. History explores national and international events that have been of significance to New Zealand and provides opportunities to understand our heritage and place in the World. History develops research and communication skills such as the ability to examine, select, and record information and ideas, to present findings effectively in written, visual and oral forms, and to argue a position. It also seeks to build empathy in students as they explore the ideas that drove people to make the choices they did.
Tourism is a rapidly growing industry in New Zealand and Matamata itself. Tourism at Matamata College provides the opportunity to explore the Tourism Industry and how it works as well as looking at the knowledge and personal skills needed in the Industry. It investigates how the Industry had changed over time and how it impacts on people and the environment.
There are a huge range skills developed in any Social Science subject that can lead to a range of exciting job opportunities as well as tertiary study.