Squash achievements

The school holiday break was busy for the competitive junior squash calendar.

Yr 11 student, Braedyn Henderson played the Oceania Junior Squash Championships in Remuera, Auckland in the first weekend of the holidays from 13-16 April. This international tournament included players from Australia and New Caledonia.  Braedyn had some good competition, and won 3 of his 5 games, placing 11th in the U17 Boys.

Over the weekend of 26-28 April, the prestigious NZ Junior Open squash tournament was held in Tauranga. This is a graded tournament, not age groups, Braedyn Henderson and Jack Reynolds both competed.  Braedyn was in the top Boys Open division, going in at 27th seed in a 32 draw and won 2 of his 5 games beating the 22nd seed and resulted in 23rd place overall.  Jack won 2 of his 4 games, placing 7th in Boys Division 2.

This was great experience for the boys, playing against their peers and some of the top junior players in NZ.

Braedyn and Jack were also part of the Waikato junior squash team in the annual Quadrangular tournament held 30-31 March in Hamilton versus junior teams from Auckland, Northland and Bay of Plenty, with the top 2 in each age group in each region being selected to play each other.  There was some tough competition and inter-district rivalry.

Both boys play in Matamata Teams for the Waikato Men’s Interclub competition, and are looking forward to the upcoming Secondary Schools competitions to represent the College.

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