From the Principal’s Desk – October 2016
Where has the term gone? As I write this comment there are only 17 school days left in class for our senior students before they break for their exams. For a num- ber of students these final days are crucial. I advise students involved in external assessments to keep their ears open and make the most of the extra tutorial op- portunities staff are offering across a range of subjects as exams loom closer. I am very thankful to these staff who go the extra mile for students.
Uniform: I ask parents and guardians to please ad- dress uniform issues with their sons and daughters so that some of the non-uniform items such as hoodies and incorrect shoes disappear as we enter Term 4. Students can note that hats and caps are permitted in Term 4 for sun protection but should be used for this purpose and not as a fashion item and definitely should not be worn inside. Note: School bucket hats and caps are available for purchase from the School Uniform shop.