Parents Have Their Say

Thank you to the parents who took the me to complete the Matamata College Board of Trustees Community Percep on Survey at Parent Teacher Nights earlier this term. We as a Board and College are always looking at how we can improve to be er meet the changing needs of our community and really value your feedback/feedforward. Not surprisingly the feedback from our Year 9 parents, any who are new to our school this year was a li le di erent than the feedback from the Year 10-13 parent group. Although similar trends were evident across both groups there were many more “don’t know” comments from our Year 9 parents. This is something that is sure to change, the more me these families are as- sociated with the school. Please nd the key ndings which paint a clear picture of current parent percep ons of our school.

1. Matamata College provides high quality programmes for students who nd learning a challenge.

Agree or strongly agree 64% (Yr. 10-13) 33% (Yr. 9) Don’t know 19% (Yr. 10-13) 39% (Yr. 9) 2. Matamata College provides high quality programmes for talented and accelerated learners.

Agree or strongly agree 64% (Yr. 10-13) 55% (Yr. 9) Don’t know 19% (Yr. 10-13) 30% (Yr. 9) 3. Matamata College provides high quality programmes for Maori students

Agree or strongly agree 40% (Yr. 10-13) 9% (Yr. 9) Don’t know 44% (Yr. 10-13) 70% (Yr. 9) 4. Matamata College provides high quality programmes for students studying prac cal subjects.

Agree or strongly agree 79% (Yr. 10-13) 67% (Yr. 9) Don’t know 13% (Yr. 10-13) 21% (Yr. 9) 5. Matamata College provides high quality programmes for students studying academic subjects.

Agree or strongly agree 81% (Yr. 10-13) 67% (Yr. 9) Don’t know 6% (Yr. 10-13) 18% (Yr. 9)
6. Matamata College provides meaningful feedback and repor ng to parents / caregivers about student progress.

Agree or strongly agree 87% (Yr. 10-13) 70% (Yr. 9) 7. Matamata College deals e ec vely with student behavior

Agree or strongly agree 62% (Yr. 10-13) 52% (Yr. 9)

Neither agree nor disagree 33% (Yr. 10-13) 15% (Yr. 9) Disagree 15% (Yr. 10-13) 18% (Yr. 9) 8. The pastoral care system at Matamata College provides good support for students (e.g. Deans, Counsellor,

Careers, Group Teachers).

Agree or strongly agree 79% (Yr. 10-13) 61% (Yr. 9) Don’t know 21% (Yr. 9)
9. Matamata College communicates well with parents / caregivers on issues relevant to their child’s educa on. Agree or strongly agree 79% (Yr. 10-13) 64% (Yr. 9) Neither agree nor disagree 18% (Yr. 9)

Don’t know 15% (Yr. 9)
10. Matamata College provides pathways which prepare students well for life a er school.

Agree 80% (Yr. 10-13) 34% (Yr. 9) Neither agree nor disagree 21% (Yr. 9) Don’t know 44% (Yr. 9)

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